Holistic Homoeopathy Clinic is an amazing,simple yet powerful journey into healing,adapating Classical Homoeopathy founded by our father of Homoeopathy Dr. C. F. S. Hahnemann and intigrating with approach developed and explained by Dr. Prafull Vijayakar.
Holistic Homoeopathy View of health Although current medical pratice recognises that there are connection between Mental,Emotional,Physical and Spiritual conditions but the dominent approach is to break the whole down into parts with seperate diagnostic labels.But at holistic Homoeopathy we Consider Sick Indiusdual as a whole and ‘Treating the Sick Indiusdual and not diseare only’.
At Holistic Homoeopathy Clinic we utilizes the latest Software in the field of homoeopathy for better diagnosis and treatment and has been constantly keeping abreast of latest development and reseach in the medical field, and we are comitted to highest quality of personal patient care transcending the realm of Holistic Cure. We maintain the facility of video confrencing, e-mail,phone for extending treatment to distant patients.


Homoeopathy is a medical science developed by Dr.Samuel Hahnemann, a great physician. The guided principle of Homoeopathy is stated as “Similia Similibus Curentur”. In simple words, it means that any substance which can produce symptoms in a healthy person, can cure similar symptoms in a person, who is sick.

Homoeopathy is a true healing science.

Homoeopathy is a new way to arrive at similimum in an easy, better and more scientific way.

Homoeopathy is based upon the universal law which remains applicable to all forms of life.

Homoeopathy considers the man as a whole and treats the man in diseases not the disease in the man.Homoeopathy cures genetically.

In the practice of Homoeopathic medicine, a detailed, comprehensive interview of the patient,”called homeopathic case taking” is undertaken, to reveal the physical, phsychological and emotional characteristics and complaints of that individual.

Individualisation of the case is taken as a whole. As we know that no two individuals are alike, in the same way homeopathy is based upon the principle of invidualisation, as no two individuals are alike, so the symptoms given by the patients of the same disease varies accordingly. Here Homoeopathic physician select medicines for the patients which are different in different patients, even of the same disease.

The next principle of the homeopathy is minimum dose which is done through the process of Potentisation and it is prepared in dynamized way. This dynamic remedy acts on the vital force, raises the immunity of the patient and cures the patient.

Next principles of the homeopathy is the single remedy. homeopathic physician prescribe one remedy at a time to the individual patient.

Homoeoapthy treats both acute and chronic/ incurable diseases. Acute diseases which are affecting the patient from a short period of time. (i.e, from few hours to 2-3 months).Chronic diseases which are affecting the patient from a very long time (i.e, from some months to years.) and these diseases are said to be incurable by the existing system of medicine.



Homoeopathic medicines (which homeopaths call remedies) are prepared by specialist pharmacies using a careful process of dilution and succussion (a specific form of vigorous shaking called potentisation).

Homoeopathy is a system of natural health care that has been in worldwide use for over 200 years.Homoeopathy treats each person as a unique individual with the aim of stimulating their own healing ability. A homeopath selects the most appropriate medicine based on the individual’s specific symptoms and personal level of health.

It is recognised by the World Health Organisation as the second largest therapeutic system in use in the world. While it is most popular in India and South America, over thirty million people in Europe, and millions of others around the world, also benefit from its use.


Hahnemannian Homoeopathy is the type of homoeopathy taught by its founder Dr. Hahnemann who claimed that at any given time only one remedy should be given to the patient, the one that has the greatest similarity to his disease. This process of finding the correct remedy is very tedious and requires a lot of search on the part of the physician. But if it is found the therapeutic results are impressive and satisfying. If this unique remedy cannot be found for this patient the results are from zero to a small amelioration of the condition. So many homeopaths who do not know what remedy to prescribe or do not have the time to take a proper case and search and study it they may give three four or up to twenty remedies hoping that the right one could be within these remedies. This is a type of homoeopathy that is not classical and of course does not give the result that the correct remedy should have given.



Meet Our Specialist

Dr. Brijesh Gupta

Homeopathy specialist

Dr. Ankita Gupta

Homeopathic Consultants